Mims Medicine
MIMS products are highly valued and utilised widely across Australia by healthcare professionals in public and private acute care, primary care, aged care, community services – just to name a few. Click here for full details on all the markets covered. In respect of these 40 drugs, the PI had listed maximum number of indications (2.95 indications/drug), followed by MIMS (2.70 indications/drug) and CDSCO.
All material found on the BC Drug and Poison Information Centre (DPIC) website is provided for informational purposes only. It is not meant to replace the expert advice of a healthcare professional such as a physician, pharmacist, nurse or qualified poison specialist. Use of this site is governed and restricted by specific terms of use. Please review the full terms and conditions below prior to using the DPIC website. In the event of a poisoning emergency, call your local poison control centre immediately. Portions of this web site are intended for healthcare professionals. Interpretation and application of information may require more detailed explanation than contained herein, particularly regarding any clinical information that is found in or linked to this site.
Mims Uk
Patients are advised to consult their health care provider regarding diagnosis and treatment, and for assistance in interpreting these materials and applying them in individual cases.
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